European Beer Star

Future Award - For Sustainability in the Brewing Industry

Protecting our environment also means securing our future. Topics such as sustainability, energy efficiency, local raw material security or employee satisfaction have long since ceased to be trivial, but have long been the focus of corporate governance of companies. The European Beer Star competition therefore presents the Future Award for exemplary and sustainable corporate management. In addition to sustainable management and social commitment, product quality is also included in the evaluation.

The European Beer Star Future Award honours committed breweries for their business in accordance with the pillars of sustainability - ecology, economy, social and cultural. Breweries that manage to combine their sustainable corporate culture with the highest beer quality can apply for the Future Award free of charge by registering for the European Beer Star.

Basis of Evaluation

The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015 and are a core element of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Based on these 17 goals, together with the Edelweiss Society, experts from the brewing industry and the involvement of relevant stakeholders from the of the brewing industry, which is tailored to the brewing industry.

New - Benefit from the Feedback on the Questionnaire!

Transparency is important to us. Therefore, the questionnaire is publicly available to all beer lovers that care about sustainability!

Interested breweries take part in the European Beer Star and can participate in the Future Award at no additional cost or effort. All you have to do is fill out the questionnaire and send it back to ftr-wrdrpn-br-strcm until July 24.

And it gets even better:

All participating breweries receive high-quality technical feedback with individual recommendations for action as a response to their questionnaire. A win-win situation for everyone.

Curious? View the questionnaire and apply for the European Beer Star Future Award 2024.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's)

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Category: Energy

Consumption, continuous improvement, efficiency

Ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Category: Water

Responsible, consistent and efficient use of water


Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Categories: Climate Protection - Packaging

Reuse of packaging, CO2 footprint


Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Category: Regional Value Creation

Sustainable raw material procurement, regional suppliers


Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Category: Gender Equality

Equal pay, women in management positions


Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Categories: Quality Management - Employees

Fair payment, education and training


Protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems and halt biodiversity loss

Category: Soil

Biodiversity in the procurement of raw materials


Corporate Social Responsibility: End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Category: Social Commitment

Concrete actions, contribution to the common good


Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Category: Innovation.

Concrete actions, contribution to innovatiion

Focus Topic 2024: Innovative Technical Solutions in Breweries to Reduce Primary Energy Consumption

Breweries have already been drivers of innovation in the past. In challenging times, creativity and innovative strength are required. Therefore, we are looking forward to the breweries' solutions to save primary energy. In addition to the evaluation of a questionnaire and the tasting at the European Beer Star, presentations on innovative energy-saving projects will also be evaluated this year.

The presentations will be evaluated by a final jury after the EBS tasting.

The final jury of the European Beer Star Future Award is made up of an interdisciplinary team of experts. Sustainability researchers, engineers and beer experts will on the jury. The beers of the breweries with the most meaningful applications are also subjected to a quality test as part of the European Beer Star. Because sustainability only works with quality!

How does the Application Process work?


1. Registration at the European Beer Star

All breweries that register for the European Beer Star 2024 can participate in the Future Award at no additional cost. Participation in the Future Award is voluntary! You can express your interest right during the registration process.


2. Filling out the Questionnaire

All interested EBS participants will receive a questionnaire that must be completed and returned to by the registration deadline on July 24.


3. Tasting at the European Beer Star 2024

A team of experts will determine the 8 best applications according to a recognized evaluation form. It is an anonymized survey. The brewery will not be disclosed to the jury.

The breweries with the best 8 applications will be informed by August 12, 2024. Their beer will be evaluated for the Future Award in a separate tasting round during the EBS 2024.


4. Evaluation of the focus topic

The presentations on the applicants' innovative technical solutions to reduce primary energy consumption will be evaluated by an interdisciplinary team of sustainability and industry experts. The winners are determined from an interplay of questionnaire, focus topic and tasting.

The awards ceremony will take place at BrauBeviale 2024

Do you have any questions about the Future Award?

Then simply contact us at:

Future Award 2024 - Proud Winners

The three winners have been awarded at the Award Ceremony of European Beer Star 2024 on November 27 during BrauBeviale in Nuremberg. In regards to the aspects of both quality and sustainability, the jury was most impressed by the following three breweries:Westerwald Brauerei from Hachenburg, Brauerei Göller from Zeil am Main and Brauerei Baar won over the independent jury of industry and sustainability experts the most and can celebrate their win at the European Beer Star Future Award 2024.

Proud winners of the European Beer Star Future Award 2024: Westerwald-Brauerei from Hachenburg
...Brauerei Göller, Zeil am Main...
... and Brauerei Baar form Baar, Switzerland (Photos: Private Brauereien / Volker Martin)