European Beer Star

European Beer Star on Tour - Travel Blog

The European Beer Star stands for diversity and uniqueness of the beers. The beer styles in the competition are of European origin. There are plenty of imitations of individual beer styles around the world. However, in order to understand the intentions of the brewers in the countries of origin as well as the aroma and taste components of the beer styles, there is no getting around the experience on site.

The European Beer Star travel blog is intended to honor the worldwide efforts of brewers to spread beer culture. The Global Family comes together - all over the world! Join us on a journey through the beers of the world and learn more about local beer habits and their influence on the European Beer Star.

Kraft Roku und Sympozjum Piwowarów

The first entry of the travel blog takes us to the neighboring country of Germany - to Poland. To be more precise: to Krakow.

The national Kraft Roku tasting competition took place there for the 16th time from December 10 to 13, 2023. With 810 beers from 121 Polish breweries, Kraft Roku is the largest beer tasting competition in Poland and is an excellent representation of the Polish beer landscape. The tasting is organized by Browamator ( The tasting was immediately followed by two days of technical presentations at the Sympozjum Piwowarów. The symposium was organized by the Polskie Stowarzyszenie Browarów Rzemieślniczych Learn more


Finding the best Beers in Bella Italia

The next stop on our travel blog takes us to the land of savoury, Italy. An exceptionally creative beer scene has developed there over the past 15 years. Not only is the variety of breweries remarkable, but the quality of the beers can also compete with the best breweries in the world, as can be seen from the results of past European Beer Star tastings. (you can find the winners' lists of the past years here).

Italy has always been known for its outstanding wine quality. As in Europe as a whole, consumer behaviour is also changing in Italy.

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More than Catharina Sour - Semana da Cerveja Brasileira

Brazil - football, caipirinhas and tanned bodies at the Copacabana. These are probably the first impressions most people have when they think of the largest country in South America. Very few people know about the diversity of beer in this country full of contrasts. After all, most beer enthusiasts are perhaps familiar with a Catharina Sour. But the country has so much more to offer! Especially when it comes to beer.

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Mystic Beers from the Pajottenland - Toer de Geuze 2024

Lambic and Geuze are to Brussels what Helles and Weissbier are to Bavaria. Few regions are as proud of their cultural beer heritage as the Pajottenland, a fertile, agricultural region south-west of Brussels in the province of Flemish Brabant. Beer lovers consider these beers to be particularly delicate, but also demanding. Spontaneously fermented sour beers are not to everyone's taste, but offer a complex variety of flavour impressions.

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Beer competition in the desert - World Beer Cup 2024 in Las Vegas

Gambling Capital of the World, City of Lights, Sin City - Las Vegas in the US state of Nevada has many names. There is definitely no such thing as boredom in this city! The second judging phase of this year's World Beer Cup took place in this glittering metropolis from April 19 to 21 - still the largest international beer competition in the world this year with a total of 9300 beers entered. Over 2000 breweries from a total of 60 countries took part. The samples submitted were tasted by almost 300 judges over two phases.

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Impressions - European Beer Star 2024

On September 19 and 20, the expert tasting of the European Beer Star 2024 took place in Nuremberg.

Here are a few impressions!

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