4 Pines Brewing Company | AUS

Ethisches Wirtschaften: Als zertifiziertes B Corp-Unternehmen („Business as a force for good“) will man Gewinn und Sinn stiften. 2018 hat das Team ein Manifest erarbeitet und unterzeichnet. Es verpflichtet zum Brauen in höchster Qualität. Der European Beer Star hilft ihnen dabei: Standortbestimmung, wertvolles Feedback und, natürlich, beim Verkauf: „We are proud to shout our success from the rooftops!“

"Winning medals at the EBS has been a great boost for our brewery both internally and externally. Internally we are very proud of our beers as well as what we have been able to accomplish. Externally, we are proud to shout our success from the rooftops! We have definitely used our success at EBS as a tool to boost our profile and aid in marketing our beers both in Australia and abroad."

European Beer Stars:

2020: 1 mal Gold, 1 mal Bronze

2019: 3 mal Gold.

2018: 1 mal Silber.

Zur Website der Brauerei.


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